Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mommy brain

I didn't think there could be anything worse than pregnancy brain, but there is - mommy brain. I lose track of what I'm saying while I'm saying it, I have nightmares about leaving the baby in a public restroom, and I get great ideas for blog posts only to find that I've forgotten them by the time I open up the laptop. Granted, lots of women have it worse than I - I've never left the house without pants (though I have left the house without brushing my teeth or hair), and I haven't actually left the baby in a public restroom, but for someone who is a type A- personality (think type A without the competitiveness) turning into such a scatterbrain has started to really mess with my psyche. I'm combating it the only way I know how - with lists. I've begun making a to-do list every day, and I cross things off when I get them done. Everything goes on the list - from "wipe kitchen counters" to "eat". You would think that the body's natural alert system (hunger) would be enough of a reminder to feed my face, but no - I just get used to my stomach growling and then wonder later why I feel so faint. The list has really helped me stay on track, and makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something instead of just wandering aimlessly through the house marveling at all the things that need to be done.

Now if only I can remember where I left it...

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