Tomorrow is my first day back at work (I'll be there Monday/Tuesday for the next three weeks, and DH is working weekends so he can stay home with the baby), and I'm as nervous as if it was my first day at a new job. I don't really know why - I've been working for the same company for nearly a decade, so it's not like there will be any surprises. My boss is one of the most amazing women I've ever met, and has been really supportive of my decision to stay home with the baby - so it's not that either. Maybe I'm afraid I'll really enjoy being back and therefore regret making the move to be a SAHM? I know a small part of it is the fact that we haven't tried to feed the baby frozen breast milk yet and aren't sure if he'll take to it or not, and I'm sure a big part is the fact that I haven't been away from the baby for more than 2 hours at a stretch since he was born. Maybe that's all - thinking about those two things is certainly enough to give me butterflies.
I'm going to have to send out an awful lot of emails to people letting them know that I'm leaving, and I'm sure the barrage I'm going to get back will be epic. Like I said, I've been there nearly ten years, and since I'm a liasion between the accounting department and the stores; I either personally know or have at least spoken to more than half of the 500+ people who work for the company. I popped into the office a little over a month ago (with the kiddo in tow) to attend the holiday lunch they were having, and while I was there I opened my email to see over 1,800 messages. Now that I'm not going to be back permanently I get to be less careful while cleaning out the inbox, but that's still a lot of email to sift through. I guess that's how I'll be spending my first day - reading and writing email.
At least I get to wear a shirt that doesn't require easy access to the boob!
What is snail mucus? That was the question posed by researchers (Thanks to
John Lobert)
1 year ago